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Función de las Células Madre


Regenerative therapy with Stem Cells provides means to accelerate and optimize regeneration of the body and tissues affected by degeneration.
The body naturally regenerates itself when it is injured (such as when a wound heals), and stem cell treatment allows for a more efficient recovery as well as strengthening of the ability to respond to deterioration when the body loses this ability.



The physiologic function of stem cells is to regenerate tissue that has suffered damage, either by natural aging process (cellular senescence), or by an activated response to damage caused by diseases (pathologies).

Undoubtedly, the treatment with stem cells is a means of effective healing, mainly for chronic and severe conditions where the body has partially or completely lost the ability to regenerate, and also serves as a means of preventing diseases by strengthening the body's mechanisms to protect itself. Even esthetic medicine today is exploiting regenerative therapy in order to reverse the physiological process of aging. In our center we use different forms of regenerative therapy, such as:

  • Stem cells

  • Platelet-enriched plasma

  • Regeneration factors (interleukins and growth factors)


Each regenerative therapy has a different mechanism of action, however, they correlate each other, that is, the effect of using more than one therapy simultaneously increases the results compared to each stem cell treatment used separately.

Stem cells are found intrinsically in the tissues of our body in their 'latent' phase. In the field of regenerative medicine, stem cells are extracted from the bone marrow or fat and activated with cellular regeneration factors outside the body, which results in stem cell proliferation and activation of its function. They are, once again, recognized in the affected (autologous) tissue. They react optimally in vitro, since activating elements have been previously supplied.

Platelet-enriched plasma is obtained from the separation of blood from its elements. This plasma physiologically contains growth agents, coagulation agents, and other elements that, when triggered, activate stem cells and cells of the immune system to protect the body. Platelet-enriched plasma when activated in vitro and supplied to the patient, enables the activation of those stem cells found in the body. If used in combination with stem cell therapy, platelet-enriched plasma promotes greater activation and proliferation not only of the stem cells obtained from the patient but also of those found in the affected tissues.



Procedimiento clínico



  • Contact us by phone or leave us your contact information via email and we will contact you.

  • If you already have an opened clinical case and recent laboratory test results  (less than two months), you must bring them or send them to us (it can be via email or WhatsApp).



Before conducting the treatment, the doctor must be consulted in order to evaluate the specific case to be treated. The treatment process is explained in detail.

During this consultation, a date is established for your first session with stem cells (usually in less than two weeks' time since first consultation).



  • The procedure is carried out in sessions. The amount of sessions will depend on the case (we recommend more than three sessions).

  • Each session has a duration of approximately 8 hours at the clinic (including rest time).

  • Sessions take place every two months.



A session is the determined time in which the patient receives medical treatment for the improvement of his health. Each session is divided into two parts: the procedure (which is performed at the clinic) and the stage at home (for each step the patient is provided different medications that potentiate the function of the stem cells).

The entire process lasts for two months. Once the patient completes these steps, he returns to the clinic for a second session. The process may change depending on the progress the patient has had.



This video is an interview, so the content may deviate from the topic. We also recommend watching it in full so that you can learn about the treatment process.




The bone marrow aspirate is centrifuged to obtain the required derivatives, which are then activated. The derivatives are placed in sterile tubes for application. This portion of the procedure takes approximately 2 hours.

At this time the patient is admitted to a room to rest until the processing of the sample is complete. The patient can eat something very light if he wishes. Our assistant will be following up on the patient.

  • Stem cells

  • Platelet-enriched plasma

  • Regeneration factors (interleukins and growth factors)


Each regeneration therapy has a different mechanism of action, however, they correlate each other, that is, the effect of using more than one therapy simultaneously increases the results compared to each stem cell treatment used separately.


Sampling consists of aspiration of bone marrow from the selected bone (posterior iliac crest, tibia, sacrum) in order to obtain the desired derivatives (stem cells, plasma) in the operating room.

After cleansing (sterilization) of the area, local anesthesia is administered with Klein's Solution (lidocaine, Saline, Bicarbonate, Adrenaline). Then, aspiration of the marrow with the recommended instruments is performed of approximately 100 - 120 milliliters of sample, which will then be processed.

Finally the area is cleansed again and the puncture sites are covered with gauze or sterile dressings. The patient is left lying on his back for about 10 minutes to apply pressure if required. The patient is sent to the waiting room while the sample is being processed.

The patient arrives at the office the day of his appointment at 8:00 am. He can have a light breakfast (zero fat). Immediately after the explanation of the procedure, he is transferred to the operating room. At the request of the patient, an anxiolytic or selective mild sedation can be administered orally (without pulmonary or cardiac implications) prior to initiating.


Sample processing


Sample application


Rest and final steps

The patient is returned to the operating room. Having previously received an oral analgesic, the areas where the treatment will be placed are cleansed. Local anesthesia is applied, followed by injections of the processed sample.

The patient is admitted to the room again where he rests (for approximately 2 to 4 hours, time to be determined by the doctor).

At the end of the resting time, he is taken to the doctor's office. Medication and at home administration instructions are given to the patient.

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