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In this disease, stem cell therapy reduces blood glucose levels in many patients, most of which go from using high-dose insulin to only needing moderate or minimal doses, and on several occasions go from having to use insulin to only using pills and being able to eat more freely. This allows for food privileges that weren't possible before. Less frequently, the patient is able to eat mostly anything without having to use any type of antiglycemic medication: neither insulin nor pills. In cases where the patient has high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as high blood pressure, kidney or cardiac problems, neuropathies or visual problems, etc., these patients usually normalize or significantly improve these conditions as well.

“Me siento excelente,

tengo mucha energía.

Ahora me paso todo el día

activa, mi glicemia

ha mejorado,

mis dolores y calambres

han mejorado.

Es por esto que quise regresar.”


Mayra Rosa Rijo

Mayra Rosa Rijo

La Sra. Mayra llegó por primera vez a nuestra consulta con una historia de Hipertensión y Diabetes de mas de 15 años de evolución, en tratamiento pero con poco control de sus niveles de glicemia (en promedio manejando 300 mg/dl) y con complicaciones de dicha enfermedad. Al momento de su primera consulta presentaba:

  • Disminución de la agudeza visual

  • Pérdida ocasional de equilibrio

  • Deterioro cognitivo (disminución de la memoria)

  • Cirrosis hepática: con marcada ascitis y edema

  • Varices esofágicas 

  • Varices en miembros inferiores

  • Dolor en: ambas rodillas, ambos hombros

Fue tratada en nuestra unidad recibiendo terapia regenerativa con Células Madre y Péptidos específicos para su caso, tras unos dos meses de su primera sesión la paciente regresa para su segunda sesión refiriendo lo siguiente:

  • Marcada mejoria en hombros y rodillas (no presenta dolor)

  • Control de glicemia (ahora 130 mg en promedio)

  • No perdida de equilibrio

  • Mejoría en memoria

  • Mejoría en ascitis y síntomas de cirrosis

  • Mas alto nivel de energía: se ha reintegrado a sus labores previas

  • Refiere mejoría en apariencia física en general. 

La paciente ha recibido su segunda sesión para continuar con su tratamiento. 


Marino Raiter


He can now read and write without using his glasses. After ten months of treatment he is able to perform his daily activities without need of outside help, and he can now remember things with more ease. Reading and writing, walking, bathing, and other activities that are so inherent to the human being, especially sharing with friends and family, he is now able to perform. These are important changes which confer a new style of living.

Andrés Boció


His health status before being treated with Stem Cell Therapy:

  • marked increase in glycemia

  • uncontrolled hypertension

  • ocular damage due to diabetic retinopathy

  • severe axonal-type neuropathy, he dragged his left lower limb

  • cramps and severe pain


One month later the patient confirms:

  • drastic decreases in food restriction

  • hypoglycemic drugs were cut in half

  • fully controlled sugar levels

  • his eyesight has improved so much that he can read without glasses

  • disappearance of pain and cramps of the extremities

  • disappearance of constant burning and stinging sensations

  • widespread intense itching has almost completely disappeared. He no longer needs a brush to scratch his skin, which he used to always carry with him.



Massiel Cisnero Castro

This is the testimony of a neuropathic patient with kidney failure, whose metabolism was widely impaired. She received transfusions very frequently and her physiologic vital constants were deteriorating. Thank God, she has since been stable and embarked on a course of significant progress:

  • Her skin is more hydrated, has better color and is more normal.

  • Her skin infections have improved, there are only very few left.

  • Her hair has grown a considerable amount.

  • Her sight has had improvement. As you may know, she has received surgery on both eyes due to retinopathy.

  • Potassium levels are normal.

  • The sense of suffocation she felt has disappeared.

  • The nerves on her legs, previously weakened due to neuropathy, have been strengthened.

  • Blood sugar has dropped. She now has to eat some sweets.

  • She is getting constipated and is taking laxative and fruits.

“I must say that from the first treatment I felt an improvement the first month. It had been years since I felt so much improvement. This encouraged me a lot and I understood that he was the doctor I had asked God to put on my path to heal me. ”

Massiel Cisnero Castro

See Story

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